Important that you know how to keep your fridge organised

limited time
limited time

When was the last time you wasted entirely too much time looking for a food item in the back of your refrigerator that you knew you had somewhere? Even if you have a small kitchen, having a well-organised refrigerator will help you save time when cooking meals and keep your food fresh. In this article, I’ll show you how to keep your fridge organised.

It Should Be Well-Cleaned

3 Ideas on How to Organize Your Refrigerator | Howard's

Taking everything out and giving the refrigerator a thorough cleaning is the first step to creating an orderly refrigerator. Removing the shelves and drawers will allow you to soak them in hot, soapy water. Make sure to use non-abrasive cleaning agents to avoid damaging the plastic while you wipe the interior completely. To help prevent future fridge odours, swap out the shelves and drawers and keep a package of baking soda nearby.

Create a List

Consider sticking a dry-erase sheet to your refrigerator to advance your organisational abilities. By doing this, you can keep track of what you have in your refrigerator without having to dig around. Even though it doesn’t have to include every single item, it can be useful to note which side vegetables you purchased this week or which meat products are about to expire. You can readily identify what items you’re lacking and keep track of expiration dates in this way, making it easier to plan how to use everything you buy.

Verify the Expiration Dates

Look up the expiration dates of all your things before replacing the food in the refrigerator. You should be honest with yourself about whether some foods will ever be safe to eat after these dates, even though some can be. Go through any jams, jellies, or sauces you haven’t used in a while and decide if you want to utilise them or get rid of them. When you’re not digging through countless jars of items you’ll never need again, finding what you need will be much simpler.

Sort and edit your meal.

Take everything out of the refrigerator and throw away any expired dairy goods, condiments, or food that has gone bad, as well as any withered produce and leftovers that are more than a few days old. Sort whatever you have left into categories, starting with deli, dairy, produce, and sauces & condiments.

Utilise clear containers

Purchasing a few shallow transparent containers is one simple approach to make sure you stick to your plan and keep everything in its place. When it comes to organising your belongings and keeping related items together, these are really useful. Affix a date of expiration or a food kind to each one. Clear containers make it far easier to remove items and clean them than a whole shelf, in addition to aiding in maintaining a strong framework for your organisation.


It may take a little more work to keep your refrigerator organised, but the money and brain power you’ll save in the long run will be worth the extra work. Your food will stay fresher and cook more quickly if you follow a few simple procedures.